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How Do I Stretch my Hip Flexors?

hip Jul 19, 2024

The muscles that are located at the front of the hip are known as the hip flexors. Their function is to bring the knee up towards the chest. It's very common for these muscles to be tight. This is because most people do a lot of sitting and live their lives in an anterior pelvic tilt. There are a lot of different stretches for the hip flexors, but most of them are done incorrectly because it's easy to put too much emphasis on hip and lumbar extension. There is one hip flexor stretch that I find to be the most effective and there are a few key points to making it effective.

Here's a video to watch the correct way to perform the stretch:


In the video I go over these key points to making this hip flexor stretch more effective so that you are actually stretching your hip flexors.

  1. Perform in a half kneeling position. This helps to isolate the psoas. You will get a better stretch if you stretch just one joint at a time. The knee that is on the floor is the side that is being stretched.

  2. Stay up Tall. Leaning forward or backward too much will decrease the effectiveness of the stretch.

  3. Perform a posterior pelvic tilt. Moving into a posterior pelvic tilt will help you to get a better stretch at the front of the hip.

  4. Squeeze Your Glutes.

  5. Lean Forward towards your front knee (without bending at your trunk).

  6. Hold for 5-10 seconds.

Stretching the hip flexors correctly can make a huge difference in how you feel! This stretch is great for people with low back pain, hip pain, and too much of an anterior pelvic tilt. This is a stretch that can be done daily to improve hip flexor flexibility. Following the stretch, I would incorporate some hip flexor and hip extensor strengthening as well! My Hip Program focuses on improving hip strength and mobility and incorporates the most effective stretches and strengthening exercises! 

Try this stretch and let me know if it helps you!



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